Press Briefing: Mohamed Sobh vs. The City ofDearborn Heights
Date: 10-25-24
Contact: Michael Jaafar, Attorney at Law
Phone: 800 BIG MIKE
Email: mike@bigcasemike.com
Key Points of the Story:
- Catastrophic Incident: OnAugust 27, 2024, a diseased and hazardous tree, repeatedly reported to the Cityof Dearborn Heights, collapsed during a windstorm. The first half of the treefell on Mohamed Sobh and his vehicle, resulting in severe, life-alteringinjuries. Minutes later, the second half of the tree crashed into his homewhile his children were inside, preparing for dinner.
- Personal Impact: MohamedSobh, a cancer researcher at Karmanos Cancer Institute, has dedicated his lifeto saving others. Despite his humble nature, he now finds himself thrust intothe spotlight because of the city’s failure to act on multiple warningsabout the dangerous tree.
- Ignored Warnings: For years,Mr. Sobh had warned the city about the dangerous tree and even offered to payfor its removal. Despite numerous phone calls and personal visits to City Hall,his efforts were blocked. After the incident, most of the trees on hisblock, including the one in front of his in-laws’ home, were removed by thecity.
- The Tragic Injuries: Mr.Sobh’s injuries are severe and include multiple fractures to his spine,ribs, pelvis, and other parts of his body, leaving him forever maimed andscarred. His children, who witnessed the collapse and destruction of theirhome, now suffer from PTSD and severe emotional trauma.
- City’s Response – Adding Insultto Injury: While Mr. Sobh was still in the emergency room being treated forhis injuries, his wife opened a bill sent by the city. It was anambulance bill, charging him for the life-saving ride to the hospital.Additionally, while confined to a wheelchair during his recovery, Mr. Sobhreceived a notice threatening to fine him if he didn’t cut his grass.
- Neglected Public Safety: Theresidents of Dearborn Heights have long expressed frustration over the city’sfailure to remove diseased and hazardous trees. Anonymous community memberscontacted Channel 4 News, urging an investigation into the situation. Thisincident represents gross negligence by the city, which ignored years ofwarnings.
- Residents’ Voices: Manyresidents of Dearborn Heights have taken to Facebook to share their similarexperiences with hazardous trees in their neighborhoods. While they werefortunate that trees did not hit them or their homes, they echoed theirfrustrations about the city’s inaction. We have supplied a few of these postsas further evidence of the widespread issue within the community.
- Seeking Justice: MohamedSobh never wanted to file a lawsuit. He values his privacy and declined tospeak with the media when they first approached him. However, the ongoingdanger posed to the community has left him no choice but to pursue legalaction, not just for his own injuries but to ensure the safety of others. Hewill ask that a portion of any proceeds from the lawsuit be designated for theremoval of diseased trees throughout the city.
- Citizen’s Warnings Ignored:The residents in Dearborn Heights have repeatedly asked for resources toaddress the threat posed by these trees, yet the city failed to act, puttinglives and property at risk.
- A Humble Citizen Forced to TakeAction: Mohamed Sobh is not a professional plaintiff. He does cancerresearch at Karmanos. For years, he tried to resolve this issue with the citydirectly. He is a cancer researcher working to save lives, now left maimed dueto the city’s failure to act.
For More Information or Interviews, Contact:
Michael Jaafar
Phone: 800 BIG MIKE
Email: mike@bigcasemike.com